This is my assignment about PADINI changing trends in Persia
Executive Summary
The role of internationalization of businesses today has provided consumers with multiple options for selecting goods or services of their choice. Internationalization’s coherence with competitiveness among firms has allowed to some extent the choice of goods with cheaper costs and better quality for consumers to digest when needed. Few decades ago, the possibility for the adaption of certain commodities considered luxurious for the average income families are now made affordable to individuals from all classes. The benefit that internationalization has to offer to a business is dependent on the strategic initiatives utilized by the firm. The willingness to capitalize on international opportunities these days are increasing drastically due to many profitable reasons such as – population growth, rise in GDP of a nation, etc. One such company that has shown the determination to grow is Padini Holdings Berhad.. This Malaysian company has always explored for opportunities since their inception, with their high-end European styled clothing and foot wear. Their hunger is indeed appreciable especially when one has to consider the already popular American and European brands (e.g. Gucci, Versace, Gap, etc.) that have established their brand name worldwide and dominates the day to day fashion trends admired by individuals from all age ranges.
Our efforts are focused on the development of a professional report biased on the internationalization efforts of Padini into Iran with detailed explanation of on the various definitions of internationalization and its associates. This report will allow the reader to grasp the various subjects covered by the internationalization of a business and the various strategies that are utilized by a firm to successfully encamp on their targeted nation.  
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