What to expect from Apple's WWDC event 2012

 Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, the annual gathering where the secretive company hosts folks who make a living writing software for its products, kicks off Monday.
And while the event is designed around presentations to help developers, its keynote address has also become an opportunity for Apple to roll out new products not just to developers, but to the world.
Two iPhones and several Macs have had their coming-out parties at WWDC, along with a host of operating-system overhauls.
Which raises the obvious question: What will Apple announce on Monday?
Speculation has run rampant, as it does every time the Cupertino, California-based computing giant moves a muscle. But some of the guesses make more sense than others.
Here's a look at some of the most credible reports, with our take on the odds of them being even vaguely true.
  • Apple TV
A television set from Apple has been the most elusive and speculated-about piece of vaporware in the tech world for the past year.
Whether it's been snippets of info from Apple's supply chain, suggestive notes from retailers or the always talkative "unnamed sources," most observers seem to agree it's just a matter of time before the company goes from offering a set-top box like Roku, Boxee or TiVo to selling its own TVs.
Could Monday be the day we finally see it?
Maybe ... but it doesn't feel likely. Instead, look for another update to the Apple TV system -- one that could be quietly getting the inner workings ready for the TV set itself.
By Apple standards, Apple TV hasn't been a big seller yet. And things are getting more interesting in that space. Last week, Microsoft announced Xbox SmartGlass, a system that will synch that gaming and entertainment console with mobile devices like iPads and iPhones.
source: CCN

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